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Central Committee Meeting Minutes - January 25, 2018

Central Committee Meeting - Thursday, 25 January 2018 - City Hall Conference Room

6:00 Blessing and Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Gerard Welcomed everyone

Roll call - 38 Precinct persons and 2 by proxy.

Fund Raising Committee Report - Vice-Chairman Kissack gave a brief update on the Pink Elephant Ball.

Chairman Gerard talked about a by-law amendment that he would like to see happen. 

Chairman Gerard led a Central Committee Member training.

New business

The following were voted on:

- Standing rule for the handling of resolutions- Passed
- Stand your ground resolution- Passed
- Resol. to require partisan voter registration prior to the commencement of the primary election candidate filing period - Passed
- Resolution to allow political parties to directly select replacements to vacated elected offices and establish the duties and
management of its committee members - Failed
- Resolution pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identification - Passed

8:45 Adjournment

Special Central Committee Meeting - November 2, 2017

The Campbell County Republican Party met on Thursday, November 2, 2017, and held a central committee meeting to select the three candidates to fill the position of County Treasurer, pursuant to W.S. § 22-18-111(a)(ii).

The Campbell County Republican Party is pleased to announce the selection of Rachael KnustKeri Spears, and Jackie Blikre to fill the vacancy of Campbell Couty Treasurer.

County Commision Chairman Rusty Bell has been notified of the selections.

The Campbell County Commission is meeting Tuesday, November 7th at 9:35 am to appoint the Treasurer from the three candidates.

Central Committee Meeting Minutes

June 24, 2017, Gillette

Chairman Gerard called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Guest Luke Koloski led the pledge of allegiance, and Frank Eathorne gave the invocation.

Roll Call

Roll call for voting purposes: 23 voting members present. Also present was Frank Eathorne, President, Independent Cattlemen of Wyoming “ICOW.”

Special thanks were given to Rusty Bell and Clark Kissack for their donations of rifles for the auction at the Liberty BBQ.


Minutes of Central Committee Meeting June 24, 2017, were approved with no corrections on a motion from Bob Hollander and second from Amity Kissack and passed on a voice vote.

Committee Reports

Fund Raising Committee – Vicki Kissack

The upcoming event Friday evening Liberty BBQ for the State Central Committee Meeting August 11th & 12th hosted by CCRP. Tickets are $40. Auction items donated – rifles from Rusty Bell and Clark Kissack; Afghan from Pat Collins, “patriot” purse by Diane Solomon and “Night On The Town” by Laura Spooner

Training & Education Committee – Barb Luthy

Status of precinct committee positions: 3 more appointees were approved at the executive committee meeting held July 17th, 2017 – Michael & Linda Shober and Robert Hollander. There are 27 vacant positions.

Platform, Resolutions and Bylaws Committee – Dave Horning

The committee meets regularly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. They will begin reviewing the platforms by categories and then the resolutions.

Chairman’s Report

Chairman Gerard asked everyone to keep Jeff & Cathy Raney and their daughter in their thoughts and prayers. 
Chairman Gerard reiterated the need for volunteers to man the booth at the county fair, attendance and donations at the August 11th BBQ. Speaker will be Jim Manley from the Goldwater Group. Participation in the various committees is always welcome.

Guest Speaker

Frank Eathorne - Independent Cattlemen of Wyoming (ICOW)
One issue presented by Mr. Eathorne is the monopolization and control of the cattle industry by an organization called Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. Implementation includes: 1) required full chain traceability, 2) required third party verification, and 3) continuous improvement. ICOW is hosting meetings around the state. They have been effective in preventing USDA electronic tags from becoming the Wyoming ID system.

Old Business

Online petition regarding a state income tax received 200 comments within an hour. Another tool for keeping up to date is Vote Spotter. 
Vice Chair Vicki Kissack reported that a request for public records regarding the salary of the Superintendent of Campbell County Schools and money spent on sending school district employees to Cheyenne for lobbying purposes has been submitted. As of yet, no comment has been received.

New Business

Dr. Timothy Hallinan, a Republican representative, and precinct committeeman presented information regarding his proposed solution to solve the immediate revenue problems of Wyoming. His proposal is to amend the state constitution to divert mineral revenue from the Common School Fund to the School Foundation Program for a period not to exceed six years.

A resolution was drafted and proposed by the Executive Committee of the CCRP. The proposed resolution is included in the minutes. Vicki Kissack moved to accept the resolution. Dr. Becker seconded the motion. Arguments for and against were presented. The motion failed by voice vote.

A motion was made to pay the state shares at the Liberty BBQ on August 11th. It was moved by Dave Hollander and seconded by Rod Mathis. Motion passed.

Closing Comments

The next meeting will be Saturday, August 26th 10:00 AM at the public library. The chairs of the Appropriations and Revenue Committees are invited to speak.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Central Committee Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2017

Chairman Gerard called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM

Roll Call

Roll call for voting purposes: 21 voting members present of whom 1 was by proxy. Also present was Economist Sven Larson from Prosperity For Wyoming.


Minutes of Central Committee Meeting May 25, 2017 were approved with no corrections on a motion from Jeff Raney and second from Darren Lynde and passed on a voice vote.

Committee Reports

Fund Raising Committee – Vicki Kissack

Upcoming events that the committee is working on are 4th of July parade, Friday evening BBQ for the State Central Committee Meeting August 11th & 12th. 

Training & Education Committee – Barb Luthy

Status of precinct committee positions: 7 more appointees were approved at the executive committee meeting held May 25th, 2017 at 9 AM.  There are 29 vacant positions.  Janet Mader provided a list House, Senate, and Wards as they relate to each precinct. 

Platform, Resolutions and Bylaws Committee – Dave Horning

The committee developed a proposed resolution on Gross Receipts Taxes. 

Chairman’s Report

Next CCRP Central Committee meeting is Thursday, July 27th, 7 pm at Arbuckle Lodge.  Guest speaker is Frank Eathorne, President Independent Cattlemen of Wyoming (ICOW). Chairman Gerard introduced Ryley Constable, Organizing Committee Chair of the Campbell County Teenage Republicans.  Riley discussed the objectives of the start-up club.  Chairman Gerard reiterated the need for volunteers, donations, and attendance at the August 11thBBQ.  Speaker will be Jim Manley from the Goldwater Group. 

Guest Speaker

 Prosperity For Wyoming – Economist Sven Larson

Dr. Larson described economic issues and solutions for Wyoming.  A handout was available summarizing his main points.    

Old Business

Vice Chair Vicki Kissack addressed questions raised at the May 25thCommittee meeting regarding the salary of the Superintendent of Campbell County Schools and money spent on sending school district employees to Cheyenne for lobbying purposes. She will get with Dave Horning on how to submit a valid request for information to the school board. 

New Business

A motion to Incorporate the Campbell County Republican Party was moved and passed by voice vote. 

A Resolution of the CCRP Central Committee Regarding Gross Receipts Tax was presented by handout. It was moved by Jeff Raney and seconded by Darren Lynde. It was amended to add “and the Joint Interim Revenue Committee of the Wyoming Legislature” in the 2nd to the last statement.  Amendment was moved by Scott Clem and seconded by Amity Kissack and passed by voice vote. The resolution was approved as amended by voice vote.  The Resolution as amended is included in at the end of these minutes. 

Darren Lynde moved that the Chairman send a letter to the News Record and to the Campbell County legislators and the Joint Interim Revenue Committee.  Jeff Raney seconded. Motion passed. 

Jeff Raney moved to pass a resolution for No New Taxes.  It was suggested to work with the PBR committee to draft a resolution.  Mr. Raney accepted the suggestion, withdrawing his motion.           

Closing Comments

The next meeting will be Saturday, July 25th 7:00 PM at the Arbuckle Lodge.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.

Central Committee Meeting Minutes - November 30, 2017

Central Committee Meeting Minutes - November 30, 2017

Community Room - City Hall, Gillette, WY

Meeting was called to order at 7:15


Roll Call - 26 Precinct persons in attendance, two by proxy

Chairman Gerard's Comments
- Proposed Executive Committee Rules
- Proposed Resolution Rule

Chairman Gerard invited everyone to the Christmas Party on Dec. 16th @ 4 p.m.

Chairman Gerard reminded everyone of:

  • No December Central Committee meeting, the next meeting will be January 25th, location TBA

  • Precinct Caucuses on February 24th, 2018

  • County Convention February 24th, 2018

Vice-Chairman Kissack gave a brief update on the Pink Elephant Ball. Date is June 2nd, 2018, location Cam-Plex and the speaker TBA.

Guest Speaker Harriet Hageman on Government Regulation

Adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Central Committee Meeting Minutes August 26, 2017 - Campbell County Public Library

Chairman Doug Gerard called the meeting to order.

Joe Kissack opened in prayer.

Diane Solomon led the pledge to the American flag.

Roll Call

Roll call for voting purposes: 11 members were present, 2 members arrived later. We had 5 guests.

Previous Minutes

Previous minutes were moved for approval by Diane Solomon and 2nd by Janet Mader.

'State Budget Crisis' Speakers

 ‘State Budget Crisis’ Guest speakers were Representative Mike Madden, Senator Ogden Driskill, Senator Jeff Wasserburger.

Senator Driskill’s comments

The state budget is back at least 10 years. Further cuts will now be actual positions. There is an $800 million shortfall. There are 3 options; can cut, can tax, or can spend savings. The education budget is not balanced and will not be. It is not a rosy picture. Wyoming economy has not recovered, coal has stabilized, oil has not. Once Capital Gains is spent, it is gone. There will be cuts and they will hurt.

Wyoming has most school employees per capita. 70% of graduates not ready to enter UW. What we do on the inside is more important. Schools can withstand more cuts. 
Run for local boards.

Representative Madden’s comments

Management Council gives direction to ten committees. He is chairman of the Revenue Committee. This committee is charged to bring bills to committee then to the Legislature. They have a motion to request bill preparation for the November & December meetings. At the December meeting, the bills will be put in a ‘pecking’ order. Committee members might not support bills brought up. Not all items on the table will make it. Legislative members are tasked with presenting and passing. Wyoming’s new normal is that we cannot depend on another mineral boom. Looking for ways to fill up the gaps. 

There is a big hole in Education Foundation funding. People who don’t use schools pay 80% of the funding. People who use schools pay 20%. Look at who is paying and who is getting. If you are not paying. You do not pay attention. Need a stable funding for education. School deficit is a biennium deficit.

Wyoming does have more government employees per capita than other states.

Senator Wasserburger’s comments

Talked about Campbell decision, Campbell 2, Campbell 3, Campbell 4 and there would be another lawsuit. Also, discussed the recalibration committee study. 3 things in the budget; cap what cities & counties receive, major maintenance for schools., school’s capital construction. Our economic forecast will not get better as opposed to coal rises and green energy takes a higher percentage of electricity. Cannot wait for the next boom.

Chairman's Comments

August 11th BBQ was a success: Approximately $2500 was raised on an approximate attendance of 75 people.

August 12th State Central Committee Meeting was successful also. Campbell County is the first county to pay its state shares.

We now have front row seating at the April 18-21, 2018 state convention in Laramie, hosted by Albany County.

State Chairman Ryan McMulholland’s resignation is effective Aug 31st. He took a new job out of state. Vice-Chair Frank Eathorne will become the new State Chairman.

There was no new business.

Amity Kissack moved the meeting be adjourned at 12 noon. Diane Solomon seconded

Janet Mader wrote minutes in absence of Secretary Barb Luthy.

Central Committee Meeting Minutes July 27, 2017 - Arbuckle Lodge, Gillette

Central Committee Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2017

Campbell County Public Library, Gillette, WY

Chairman Gerard called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Meeting was opened with prayer and pledge.

 Roll Call

Roll call for voting purposes: 31 voting members present and 3 proxies for a total of 34.


Minutes of Central Committee Meeting August 26, 2017 were approved with no corrections on a motion from Jeff Raney and second from Diane Solomon and passed on a voice vote.

Chairman’s Report

Chairman Gerard commented that three resolutions were passed at the August State Central Committee meeting and were available on the WyoGOP website.


*Gross Receipts Tax

*Against Tax Increase

 Guest Speaker

Jillian Balow – Superintendent of Public Instruction

Old Business - none

 New Business

Welcome new precinct people – Tex Adams (14-2), Steve & Linda Bricker (18-1).

Recognition was given to Janet Mader, Roy Edwards and Amity Kissack for 100% attendance.

Gayle Cooper & Mary Horning – for Republican Women’s.


Jeff Raney moved to pass the following resolution:

WHEREAS the Wyoming Republican Party has passed a resolution calling upon the State Legislature and the Governor to practice fiscal restraint, rein in spending and cut unnecessary budget items rather than increasing revenue streams;

Be it resolved that the Campbell County Republican Party does not support any new taxes or tax increases on the November 7, 2017 ballot.

Cathy Raney seconded the motion.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Amity Kissack motioned for the local party to submit a letter to the editor from the chairman that the Campbell County Republican Party does not support the .25% sales tax.

Jeff Raney seconded the motion.  Discussion was held. Motion passed by voice vote.

Closing Comments - none

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

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